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Tag Archives: bull market

Jul 15, 2024

Time, Trust and Trading

As the bull market in U.S. equities continues, with the S&P 500® up 18% YTD,1 we have witnessed in parallel an extraordinary time in the fixed income markets. Historically low credit spreads have led to the outperformance of high yield bonds relative to corporate bonds and corporate bonds relative to Treasuries. The iBoxx USD High…


Mar 16, 2020

Bye Bye Bull Market: Reaction to Coronavirus

The last few weeks have definitely felt like a “where were you when…?” moment as coronavirus fears spread around the world and many people’s day-to-day lives have been disrupted.  Amid the anxiety and disruption, global financial markets nosedived, sending all major equity indices tumbling, VIX® soaring to levels not seen since the financial crisis, and…


Dec 18, 2018

Large Caps Lag In Rebounds

The entire U.S, equity market lost on Monday, Dec. 17, 2018, meaning every one of the 42 segments by size, sector and style finished negative for the day.  This was the second day in a row with losses across the board.  From Oct. 10-11, 2018 was the last time two consecutive days with all losses…


Oct 2, 2018

Developing Expectations for Long-Term U.S. Stock Returns

In this bull market, by some measures the longest running in U.S. history, investors may wonder what its prospects for continuation are. Judging by rolling quarterly 10-year annualized returns, the S&P 500® does not necessarily seem over-extended. As Exhibit 1 shows, since the end of World War II, large retracements followed lengthy periods of greater-than-10%…


Oct 1, 2018

Bearish Divergence May Signal Stock Market Warning

Despite escalating trading tensions between U.S. and China that built through Sep., large caps were largely unaffected.  The aging Bull market (since March 9, 2009) showed no signs of stopping, as the S&P 500 posted new highs and posted an annualized 16.51% equity return and 18.91% with dividends, as mentioned by Howard Silverblatt in Market…


Sep 4, 2018

The Biggest Bull Didn’t Win

The big news in August was that the aging Bull market (since March 9, 2009) became the longest-running Bull market in S&P 500 history, as it posted an annualized 16.6% equity return and 19.1% with dividends, as my colleague, Howard Silverblatt pointed out.  While the record-breaking Bull market for the S&P 500 is spectacular, mid-caps and…


Feb 17, 2015

All Commodities Rise With Rising Oil

What happens to other commodities when oil prices spike? On one hand, if oil rises so much that an economic slowdown overpowers the tax-break effect, then commodities might fall. However, oil is a main input to produce many other commodities so prices of goods can rise when oil prices increase. The latter scenario is more…


Jan 27, 2014

Nat Gas Is HOTTEST In 4 Years

Every conversation I’ve had today with people from Nashville to Toronto has started with how cold it is outside.  After the shock of the cold and when the heating bills come due, the conversation may turn to how expensive heat was in January.  That, of course, is at least for those who don’t invest in…


Sep 16, 2013

Skipping Dessert?! Coffee, Sugar, Cocoa OR Bear, Bear, Bull

Sorry, grains and meats, you are not one of the four main food groups. Since this is the case, eating may have just become more expensive, especially for the high-end chocolate lover. Not me of course… but once again, as a commodity lady, when I consume goods (or goodies) and notice that prices are increasing…


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