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Tag Archives: VIX

Jul 23, 2024

Dispersion at All-Time High Relative to Volatility as Earnings Season Arrives

Despite a recent uptick to a more normal level near 16, the Cboe Volatility Index (VIX®) has averaged around just 12.8 over the past 30 trading days as of July 18, indicating relative calm in U.S. equities. Meanwhile, a complementary measure of U.S. equity market risk, the CBOE S&P 500® Dispersion Index (DSPX), has surged…


Jun 21, 2024

Why Does the S&P 500 Matter to the Middle East?

Explore the expanding ecosystem of the iconic S&P 500 as S&P DJI’s Tim Edwards joins Cboe’s Sarju Gudka for a closer look at how and why market participants are putting the definitive gauge of U.S. large-cap equities to work in the Middle East.


Jun 17, 2024

Tracking Potential Opportunities with Dispersion

Is it possible to track opportunity with an index? Find out as S&P DJI’s Tim Edwards and Cboe’s Mandy Xu discuss the design of and practical applications for the Cboe S&P 500 Dispersion Index.


Dec 6, 2023

Happy Days for How Long?

With less than a month left to go to close out the year, it’s a good time to reflect on the highs and lows that market participants have experienced. While the year began with a rocky start due to the Silicon Valley Bank collapse, the market continued to power forward, stumbling in Q3 as 10-year…


Sep 27, 2023

Introducing the Dispersion Index (DSPX)

At 9:45 am Eastern Time on Sept. 27, 2023, a new index began publishing under the ticker DSPXSM, with an initial live value of 26.81. This index, the Cboe S&P 500® Dispersion Index (the Dispersion Index to its friends), might be loosely described as a “VIX® for dispersion.” But what is it? Why is it…


May 31, 2022

29 Years of VIX

In 1993, the Chicago Board Options Exchange (Cboe) announced the launch of the Cboe Market Volatility Index or VIX®, which provides market participants with a barometer to measure market sentiment. Since then, the index has become one of the most followed benchmarks. In commemoration for its 29th anniversary, we take a look at the evolution…


Mar 15, 2022

Markets Remained Volatile, But History Shows Return to Calm

The Russia-Ukraine conflict is now in its third week and markets remain volatile. The major U.S. equity benchmarks dropped about 10% from their peaks, with the exception of the Energy sector. The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX®), the so-called “fear gauge,” has been hovering above 30, which is the 90th percentile of its historical value. Its…


Nov 5, 2020

While Fixed Income Yields Remain Low, Theta Gang Generates Income through Covered Calls

In response to the economic ravages of COVID-19, central banks and investors around the world went on a bond buying spree, pushing fixed income yields down and complicating the search for portfolio-generated income. While yields are generally off their March 2020 extremes, by historical standards they remain quite diminished. One alternative strategy to generate supplemental…


May 26, 2020

VIX Back to Normal? Not Really

The U.S. equities market had a wild start in 2020. Following the March 2020 sell-off, the S&P 500® posted its largest monthly gain (12.8%) since 1987. Meanwhile, VIX® went from its long-term median to an all-time high within a month before it settled around 30. One thing that has been debated lately is whether VIX,…


Apr 21, 2020

Exploring VIX® in Volatile Markets

How can VIX data help us understand the current market environment? S&P DJI’s Tim Edwards explores what recent historical highs for VIX could mean for equity and commodity markets moving forward. Get the latest Risk & Volatility dashboard on Indexology:


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