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Tag Archives: inflation

Jun 27, 2024

S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats Performance during Past Macroeconomic Cycles

The S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats® tracks companies that have grown their dividends for a period of at least 20 consecutive years, offering equity participation and the potential for enhanced dividend income. Our recent blog highlights that the dividend growth rate for the S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats has exceeded inflation over the long term…


Apr 29, 2024

How Are Some Dividend Growers Outpacing Inflation and the Benchmark?

With the 10-year U.S. Treasury yield hovering around 4.5%, investors may be able to find attractive yields without taking on too much risk. The challenge, however, is maintaining purchasing power relative to inflation (USD 1,000 in December 1999 was only worth USD 538 as of March 2024). For those seeking income and total returns that…


Apr 17, 2024

Commodities Deliver Double-Digit Returns in the Face of Stubborn Inflation

Commodity markets remain on top of the asset class leader board with inflation drawing the ire of the Fed and other asset classes. The upside surprise in U.S. inflation spotlights the potential benefits of commodities as a diversification tool. The S&P GSCI, the leading indicator of broad commodity performance, has produced double-digit returns in 2024,…


Apr 1, 2024

Energy Pumps up the S&P GSCI and Markets Go Cuckoo for Cocoa

“I think it’s from all those dog-gone cocoa beans. Hey, by the way, did you guys know that chocolate contains a property that triggers the release of endorphins? Gives one the feeling of being in love.” -Willy Wonka, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) Inflation presented a direct hit to consumers at the pump, with…


Mar 4, 2024

Food Inflation Bites into Income as Commodities March Higher

Inflation continues to impact consumers and policymakers in negative ways. Hedging through broad commodities has proven to buffer portfolio returns, with the S&P GSCI up 5.38% this year. Going into the year, expectations of Fed rate cuts and continued declines in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) pushed inflation concerns aside. Since then, markets have experienced…


Nov 9, 2023

Measuring Fixed Income Opportunities in Asia with Indices

How are indices helping investors track the continued development of Asian Bond markets? S&P DJI’s Randolf Tantzscher and SSGA’s Kheng Siang Ng discuss how indexing is helping market participants track the evolving fixed income opportunity set across currencies in Asia.


Sep 5, 2023

D-FENCE! Investigating Commodity Performance under a Defensive Fed

I love this time of year. August vacations are over, the kids are back in school and football season kicks off in the U.S. The Fed took its August “vacation” at the Jackson Hole Symposium, where Jerome Powell’s remarks singularly focused on price stability. Inflation has come down but “remains too high” and the Fed…


May 24, 2023

A Quick Look at Key USD Indices and Fixed Income ETF Flows This Year

2022 marked a full year of rate hikes, unprecedented since the Global Financial Crisis, which propelled short-term yields upward and in turn ultimately caused the 10-2 spread1 to fall below zero in the second half of 2022, where it has since stayed. Recent market expectations suggest that the end of rate rises is perhaps in…


May 1, 2023

The S&P GSCI Cooled in April as Inflation Cooled

The S&P GSCI fell 0.8% in April as the Fed’s preferred measure of inflation, Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE), fell slightly on a year-over-year basis to 4.6%. Continued elevated readings of inflation, albeit cooling, led to market expectations that the Fed would hike rates again in May to bring inflation back to its 2% target. Commodities…


Apr 3, 2023

The “Devil’s Metal” Vanishes, Precious Metals Shine and Energy Dims: Commodities Quarterly Wrap

“Jamie ran on down to the LME, but the devil caught him there, He took Mr. Dimon’s Nickel bags and vanished in the air, Set out running but I’ll take my time, A friend of the devil is a friend of mine” -adaptation of Grateful Dead’s “Friend of the Devil” Just one year after the…


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