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Tag Archives: S&P 500 Growth

Jan 10, 2024

The Relative Value of Insights

Many investors use the start of the year to make predictions for the upcoming year and to think about ways to express views on these themes. This undertaking is not guaranteed to add value: predicting the future is incredibly difficult and success requires correctly predicting both the drivers of future performance and the upcoming impact…


Sep 12, 2023

S&P U.S. Indices H1 2023: Analyzing Relative Returns to Russell

After a challenging year in 2022, the U.S. equity market saw a strong turnaround in the first half of 2023, with the S&P 500® up 17% since year-end 2022. Exhibit 1 shows that the rebound was also observed across the cap spectrum. Returns in the second quarter outperformed the first quarter after the market shook…


Jun 6, 2023

Active or Agnostic?

In order to generate value for his clients, an active investment manager must deviate from a passive benchmark—by choosing sectors, or styles, or individual stocks that the manager predicts will outperform. The manager’s value is dependent on the accuracy of his predictions; the better he is at identifying the best sectors, or styles, or stocks,…


Feb 27, 2023

Collections of Factors

Traditional investors think of portfolios (whether active or indexed) as collections of stocks. We can equally well think of portfolios as collections of factors—defining factor in the academic sense, as an attribute with which excess returns are thought to be associated. If we’re correct in assessing these attributes, it should be possible to explain portfolio…


Jan 30, 2023

What Performance Reversals Suggest

Investment results in 2022 were distinctly different from those of the recent past. The S&P 500®, which had doubled in the three years between 2019 and 2021, fell by more than 18% last year, and Exhibit 1 shows that there were regime shifts among factor indices as well. The dominance of Value over Growth in…


Jan 26, 2023

Surveying Style Indices

How can index construction inform style selection? S&P DJI’s Craig Lazzara takes a closer look at the S&P Style and S&P Pure Style Indices and how these different approaches to indexing Growth and Value are designed to help advisors align strategies with client objectives.


Jan 17, 2023

Style, Size, and Skewness

Two of the biggest reversals of 2022 compared to 2021 were the outperformance of smaller caps and the outperformance of value compared to growth. Both of these factors helped drive the S&P 500® Equal Weight Index’s recovery last year, as well as a decline in market concentration. As sector and style exposures are not independent,…


Jan 16, 2023

Contextualizing Style Shifts

The S&P U.S. Style Indices are designed to provide broad and exhaustive exposure to the market’s value and growth segments. Our index methodology bifurcates a parent index’s market capitalization into roughly equal portions on the third Friday in December, using six measures shown in Exhibit 1. Although the composition of style indices changes every year,…


Jan 11, 2023

Style Chicken or Sectoral Egg?

Anyone who has perused our S&P 500® Factor Dashboard for December 2022 (and it’s a shame if you have not) will recognize Exhibit 1 below. The horizontal axis represents the difference between the weighted average value and growth scores (at the beginning of 2022) for each of the 17 factor indices in our dashboard, while…


Sep 12, 2022

The Power of Style

At some risk of oversimplification, the 16.1% decline in the S&P 500® for the first eight months of 2022 can be divided into three intervals, as the market fell by 20.0% through June, rallied in July, and then resumed its decline in August. This story, of course, is still evolving: for all we now know,…


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