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Tag Archives: equities

Jun 21, 2024

Why Does the S&P 500 Matter to the Middle East?

Explore the expanding ecosystem of the iconic S&P 500 as S&P DJI’s Tim Edwards joins Cboe’s Sarju Gudka for a closer look at how and why market participants are putting the definitive gauge of U.S. large-cap equities to work in the Middle East.


May 28, 2024

Why is Passive Investing on the Rise in South Africa?

Explore what’s driving increased interest in indexing and the growing role of custom index solutions in South Africa with S&P DJI’s Marius Baumann and Chris Rule of 10X Investments.  


May 20, 2024

S&P World Index: A Global Benchmark for Comprehensive Coverage

Introducing a benchmark that digs deeper into developed markets, with data that extends over several economic cycles. Discover how the S&P World Index sets the standard for developed market indices.


Apr 17, 2024

Meet the New and More Diversified S&P/BMV IPC

S&P Dow Jones Indices launched a consultation in May 2023 proposing certain methodology changes to the S&P/BMV IPC with the overall goal of reducing single-stock concentration and simplifying rather complex eligibility and selection criteria. After receiving feedback from market participants, a revised version of the proposal was approved in September 2023 and a two-phased implementation…


Jan 9, 2024

Getting to Know the SPIVA After-Tax Scorecard

What do the SPIVA Scorecard results look like once you factor in taxes? Join S&P DJI’s Anu Ganti and Joseph Nelesen for a deep dive into key findings from the inaugural SPIVA After-Tax Scorecard.


Dec 6, 2023

Happy Days for How Long?

With less than a month left to go to close out the year, it’s a good time to reflect on the highs and lows that market participants have experienced. While the year began with a rocky start due to the Silicon Valley Bank collapse, the market continued to power forward, stumbling in Q3 as 10-year…


Sep 25, 2023

Splitting Size in U.S. Equities: S&P DJI versus MSCI in H1 2023

The first half of 2023 saw a strong rebound from 2022 for equities: the S&P 500® gained 17% as the U.S. outperformed the S&P Global Ex-U.S. BMI (up 10%). Information Technology led the way across the U.S. cap spectrum, possibly reflecting investors’ expectations regarding the potential impact of artificial intelligence. The S&P Composite 1500® combines…


Apr 18, 2023

The Same, Only Different

In the first quarter of 2023, the best performing of the 17 factor indices featured in our monthly factor dashboard was S&P 500® High Beta (up 12.5%), while the worst performer was S&P 500 Momentum (-3.2%). This may seem odd at first blush, since both indices are, in some sense, performance chasers—Momentum in absolute and…


Apr 18, 2023

Global Islamic Indices Gained over 10% in Q1 2023, Outperforming Conventional Benchmarks

Global equities ended the first quarter of the year with a gain of 6.9%, as measured by the S&P Global BMI. Meanwhile, Shariah-compliant benchmarks, including the S&P Global BMI Shariah and Dow Jones Islamic Market (DJIM) World Index, also increased during the quarter and outperformed their conventional counterparts by 3.5% and 3.4%, respectively. Overall, regional…


Apr 17, 2023

SPIVA Europe 2022: Singing the Bear Market Blues

After 83% of euro-denominated pan-regional equity funds failed to outperform the S&P Europe 350® in the 10 years leading up to the start of 2022, last year brought an intriguing change in the market winds, including the end of near-zero interest rates and, along with it, higher hopes for stock-picking. There was higher dispersion and,…


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