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Tag Archives: South Africa

May 28, 2024

Why is Passive Investing on the Rise in South Africa?

Explore what’s driving increased interest in indexing and the growing role of custom index solutions in South Africa with S&P DJI’s Marius Baumann and Chris Rule of 10X Investments.  


Aug 29, 2023

Why Multi-Factor Indices in South Africa?

Burton Malkiel, author of the book A Random Walk Down Wall Street, asserted, “The facts suggest that successful market timing is extraordinarily difficult to achieve.”1 Multi-factor indices may be a way of ensuring you are “in the right place at the right time,” participating throughout market cycles without compromising timing or returns. The S&P DJI…


Mar 30, 2023

The Risk/Return Tradeoff: Results from the SPIVA South Africa Year-End 2022 Scorecard

The year 2022 was riddled with investment challenges worldwide, as fears of recession, rising inflation and geopolitical uncertainty ranked among a whirlwind of other market pressures. In South Africa, these risks manifested in two notably different halves of the year, with major equity and bond indices ending H1 in negative territory, but then rallying to…


Oct 31, 2022

The Climb: SPIVA South Africa Mid-Year 2022 Scorecard

A clever (yet ill-fated) character once said, “Chaos is a ladder.” The first half of 2022 was indeed full of chaos in many major markets, including South Africa; our latest SPIVA South Africa Scorecard for the region shows where the rungs were slippery and where active funds were able to climb the fastest. Overall, the…


Nov 16, 2021

No Time to Thrive

S&P DJI has just released the final regional edition of our S&P Index Versus Active (SPIVA®) Mid-Year 2021 Scorecards. The semiannual reports cover the performance of actively managed funds in the U.S., Canada, Latin America, Europe, South Africa, India, Japan, Australia, and our newest regional addition, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). SPIVA Scorecards…


Sep 8, 2020

Even Smarter Beta in South Africa? – Diversifying and Optimizing

The equity risk premia from factors (such as quality, momentum, and low volatility) have been widely accepted and adopted by investment practitioners across the globe and South Africa alike. The belief by many is that exposure to these risk factors, in addition to the market, could reward investors over the long term. While the long-term…


Apr 30, 2020

ETFs Add to African Access

The exchanged-traded fund (ETF) structure has led to increased investment options within fixed income, and the African markets are a clear example of this. Over the past few years, several African ETFs have been introduced to the market, tracking indices provided by S&P Dow Jones Indices in South Africa, Nigeria, and Namibia, giving investors options…


Jul 23, 2019

Sustainability in South Africa: The Swing from SRI to ESG

    Socially responsible investing (SRI) has deep roots in the South African market. Indeed, some of the earliest records of this type of investing date back to the boycotts against South African companies during the era of Apartheid. The movement paved the way for a generation of socially conscious investors seeking to affect social…


Nov 21, 2018

The IMF Comment May Push South Africans to Sovereigns

The South African economy, Africa’s second-largest economy after Nigeria, may be helped by reforms put in place by President Cyril Ramaphosa. Earlier this year, South Africa suffered a setback, as data showed the economy dipping into a recession, but Ramophosa has since unveiled a stimulus and recovery plan to try and get it back on…


Oct 29, 2018

Outperformance in South Africa and Avoiding Single-Stock Risk

The returns of two liquid equity benchmarks in South Africa with the same target market have been significantly different YTD as of Oct. 26, 2018. Over the period, the S&P South Africa 50 has declined 8.8% while the FTSE/JSE Top 40 has fallen 12.6%—a difference of over 380 bps—a considerable performance gap over a fairly…


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