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Tag Archives: Artificial Intelligence

May 28, 2024

Why is Passive Investing on the Rise in South Africa?

Explore what’s driving increased interest in indexing and the growing role of custom index solutions in South Africa with S&P DJI’s Marius Baumann and Chris Rule of 10X Investments.  


Feb 9, 2024

2024 World Economic Forum: Key Themes to Watch

The author would like to thank Vidushan Ragukaran and Ari Rajendra for their contributions to this blog.   The 2024 World Economic Forum (WEF) that took place at Davos-Klosters in mid-January attracted over 60 heads of state and government leaders. There was a consistent emphasis on AI and cybersecurity risk governance, a renewed focus on…


Jun 1, 2022

Index-Based Tools for Tracking the Future

Get to know the S&P Kensho New Economy Indices, a comprehensive, rules-based, thematic index framework powered by AI and designed to help investors better understand and precisely measure the long-term transformative trends and exponential innovation and growth of the sectors and industries driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Learn more: New Economies – Investment Themes |…


Jul 1, 2021

Making Innovation Accessible

Explore strategies and practices for identifying, selecting, and delivering innovation and disruptive technologies with Main Management’s Kim D. Arthur, IDX’s Ben McMillan, Kensington Asset Management’s Bruce P. DeLaurentis, and 3D/L Capital Management’s Benjamin M. Lavine. Watch the full event


Jun 30, 2021

Spotting Disruptive Technology in Sectors and Industries

John van Moyland, Global Head of S&P Kensho Indices at S&P DJI, joins Matthew Bartolini of State Street Global Advisors to examine how a new generation of indices, powered by AI and designed to track exponential innovation systematically, is helping advisors access the companies driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution.  


Oct 23, 2017

Stock Picking AI? Elementary, My Dear Watson

Keen watchers of the ever-developing exchange-traded product space may have noticed an intriguing development last week, as the first purely “artificial intelligence”-based stock-picking ETF launched.  Powered by IBM’s “Watson” platform, the fund sponsors claim to use a proprietary quantitative model to select stocks that will outperform, based on machine learning applied to vast data sets. One cannot help wondering…


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