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Tag Archives: institutional investor

Jul 22, 2024

Frequent Flyers

Planes are interesting places, airborne aluminum tubes stuffed with strangers from all walks of life, including seatmates prodding with the proverbial ice-breaker, “So, what do you do?” Overhearing many such conversations, I’ve found complicated job descriptions elicit blank stares and subsequently lead to higher-level answers such as “Well, I’m in tech,” or “I work in…


May 16, 2024

Exploring the Characteristics of the Dow Jones U.S. Select Dividend Index

Indices that not only track the broad equities market, but also offer the potential for enhanced dividends may appeal to those searching for income within the equity asset class. In this blog, we investigate what the Dow Jones U.S. Select Dividend Index has historically brought to the table, including high dividend income, superior risk-adjusted performance…


Jan 22, 2024

2023 Market Review for Asian Investors

There are potential diversification benefits for Asian investors who incorporate U.S. equities to alleviate their tendency for a home country bias. Representing nearly 60% of the global equity market, as measured by the S&P Global BMI, U.S. equities provide a larger opportunity set outside of Asia, along with potential diversification due to different economic structures…


Nov 9, 2023

The Magnificent Seven: A Taxing Question

“The Magnificent Seven” term has transcended its cinematic roots to become the collective moniker for a select group of U.S. mega-cap stocks responsible for over 90% of the S&P 500®’s YTD gains to October’s end. Their stellar performance has, naturally, elevated their valuations. It has also increased their already-hefty collective weight in the equity benchmark….


Aug 2, 2023

Dividends and Option Premiums: A Dual Income Story

Income generation may be sought out by a variety of market participants, including those nearing retirement and those seeking a source of passive income. An income-focused strategy requires a different approach to those focused on generating growth. Traditional sources of income include dividend-paying stocks and coupon-paying bonds. The economic landscape of the past 18 months…


Oct 14, 2022

Taking Higher Interest Rates in STRIDE

When it rains, it pours, and there’s no lack of bad news in 2022. The equity market is in solid bear territory, with the S&P 500® down 22% YTD. Inflation is high, and the Federal Reserve has aggressively hiked interest rates in recent months. The latest cycle of rate increases has happened faster than at…


Sep 22, 2022

The U.S. Dollar’s Outperformance Makes Its Impact on Indices, Too

U.S. dollar strength has led to parity in EUR-USD exchange rates in recent days, with the value of the euro equaling 99 U.S. pennies at its low. While 114 U.S. pennies were still required to equal the British pound sterling, “cable”—the GBP-USD rate—has reached its lowest since 1985. In Asia, the Japanese yen has suffered…


Aug 19, 2022

Low Volatility Holds Its Own

If the first six months of 2022 were defined by the woes of equities, the year’s second half has been defined (so far!) by a comeback. Since hitting a low in mid-June, the S&P 500® has gained an impressive 17.1% through Aug. 18, 2022. In such an environment, low volatility strategies are expected to underperform,…


Jul 28, 2022

Schrödinger’s Carbon: Intensity and Paris Alignment

In quantum mechanics, Schrödinger’s Cat refers to the paradoxical consequences of a thought experiment: can a cat be simultaneously dead and alive? A similarly counterintuitive phenomenon can be found in the context of climate-based analysis: whereby an index may boast a relatively low carbon intensity and yet, perhaps surprisingly, not be judged as aligned with…


Jul 19, 2022

A Risk Control Approach to Cryptocurrencies: A Tool for a Crypto Winter

Earlier this year, we reported on the volatility of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies overall. In February 2022, the market was slightly down from its all-time high in November 2021. S&P Dow Jones Indices had just launched the new S&P Bitcoin and Ethereum Dynamically Rebalancing Risk Control 40% Indices (CET Close), and we saw that risk-adjusted performance…


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