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Tag Archives: covered call

May 27, 2024

How Is Indexing Informing Income Seekers?

S&P DJI’s Jason Ye and Altere Financial’s Andy Sharp join Nadine Blayney at Ausbiz to discuss how some advisors are using indices to help inform income-seeking clients as they plan for the future.


Oct 4, 2023

Exploring Dividends Down Under

What’s driving demand for index-based access to dividends in Australia? S&P DJI’s Jason Ye surveys the dividend landscape in the Australian market and examines how market participants are using indices in the search for yield.


Aug 2, 2023

Dividends and Option Premiums: A Dual Income Story

Income generation may be sought out by a variety of market participants, including those nearing retirement and those seeking a source of passive income. An income-focused strategy requires a different approach to those focused on generating growth. Traditional sources of income include dividend-paying stocks and coupon-paying bonds. The economic landscape of the past 18 months…


Feb 21, 2023

Income Generation and the S&P/ASX BuyWrite Index

In my last blog, we discussed the performance characteristics of the S&P/ASX BuyWrite Index. We will now focus on the income-generating feature of this index. As a reminder, a covered call strategy involves selling a call option against an asset that is already owned by the option writer. A systematic long-term covered call strategy generates…


Feb 1, 2023

18-Year Performance of the S&P/ASX BuyWrite Index

The volatile and unpredictable nature of the stock market is characterized by periods of ups and downs. Covered call option writing is a strategy aimed at generating income and mitigating loss, particularly in bear market environments. A covered call (or “buy-write”) strategy involves selling a call option against an asset that is already owned by…


Nov 5, 2020

While Fixed Income Yields Remain Low, Theta Gang Generates Income through Covered Calls

In response to the economic ravages of COVID-19, central banks and investors around the world went on a bond buying spree, pushing fixed income yields down and complicating the search for portfolio-generated income. While yields are generally off their March 2020 extremes, by historical standards they remain quite diminished. One alternative strategy to generate supplemental…


Mar 20, 2020

Multi-Asset Income Strategies in a Low Interest Rate Environment

One of the most significant characteristics of the post-financial crisis world has been the global persistence of low, or even negative, interest rates. The entire U.S. Treasury curve yielded below 1% for the first time in history on March 9, 2020, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, before the long end reverted recently on…


Aug 9, 2013

Good Calls and Bad Calls of Covered Calls

Generally investors use covered calls to earn extra income from investments they think might not have much upside potential.  For example, if a CEO has a very large stock holding in his or her company but doubts the stock price will increase (or decrease much), writing (selling) options on the stock to collect a premium…


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