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Tag Archives: High Yield

Jun 28, 2024

A Strong Start for the Newly Launched S&P 500 High Dividend Growth Index

Last December, in a prior blog, we introduced the S&P 500® High Dividend Growth Index, an innovative index that utilizes the S&P Global Dividend Forecasting Dataset to incorporate a forward-looking assessment when selecting constituents. The index is unique since it tracks companies in the S&P 500 that have not only consistently grown their dividends in…


Dec 13, 2023

Looking into the Future of Dividend Growth: The S&P 500 High Dividend Growth Index

As the leading dividend index provider, S&P DJI is constantly looking for new approaches and methodologies to bring novel ideas to the market. Our recently launched S&P 500® High Dividend Growth Index is a prime example of this innovative thinking, as it incorporates a forward-looking assessment into its methodology. This index tracks companies in the…


Oct 12, 2023

Why Do Dividends Matter?

Income generation may be sought out by a variety of market participants, including those nearing retirement and those seeking a source of passive income. S&P DJI’s Jason Ye takes us inside the Dow Jones U.S. Dividend 100 Index for a look at yield beyond fixed income.


May 24, 2023

A Quick Look at Key USD Indices and Fixed Income ETF Flows This Year

2022 marked a full year of rate hikes, unprecedented since the Global Financial Crisis, which propelled short-term yields upward and in turn ultimately caused the 10-2 spread1 to fall below zero in the second half of 2022, where it has since stayed. Recent market expectations suggest that the end of rate rises is perhaps in…


Mar 30, 2023

Tracking Quality Dividend Growers in Pan Asia

What does it take to become an S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrat? S&P DJI’s Rupert Watts and KraneShares’ Brendan Ahern explore how the index tracks quality dividend growers in Pan Asia and a range of potential applications for these defensive yield generators.


Jul 16, 2020

As ETF Fund Flows Surge, Don’t Fight the Fed’s Passive Investing Philosophy

Investing legend Marty Zweig famously declared, “don’t fight the Fed.” With the Fed now buying fixed income ETFs and fund flows of index-based ETFs surging, Marty’s advice is proving timely. In this blog post, we review key index-based product performance leading up to the Fed’s intervention and detail the ETF fund flows that followed. Back…


Apr 30, 2020

Durability During Distress

Income-seeking investors have always had to compromise between the level of dividend payments and the safety of dividend payments.   The importance of this tradeoff has recently gone viral, as governmental actions in response to COVID-19 have suppressed global economic activity, causing many companies to suspend or reduce their dividend payments. Launched in 2005, the S&P…


Apr 1, 2020

Delivering Low Volatility Exposure to High Yield Bonds

The last few weeks have been challenging for business the world over. People working from home and aggressive social distancing have led to business contraction and the expectation of rising default. On March 19, 2020, an S&P report expected that the U.S. trailing 12-month speculative-grade corporate default rate would rise to 10% within the next…


Sep 13, 2019

The Outperformance of the S&P U.S. High Yield Low Volatility Corporate Bond Index since Q4 2018

The S&P U.S. High Yield Low Volatility Corporate Bond Index[1] is designed as a low volatility strategy in the high yield bond universe. The index aims to deliver higher risk-adjusted returns than the underlying broad-based benchmark through mitigating uncompensated credit risk. The back-tested index performance demonstrated the efficacy of the low volatility strategy, with reduced…


Sep 9, 2019

S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats Part I: Strategy Characteristics

With the 10-Year Treasury yield around just 1.5% and the potential for more interest rate cuts on the horizon, yield-seeking investors may become more interested in equity dividend yield strategies. Dividend strategies can satisfy investors’ needs in several regards, namely higher dividend income, favorable risk-adjusted returns, lower volatility, and more downside protection in bearish market…


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