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Tag Archives: dividend yields

Jun 28, 2024

A Strong Start for the Newly Launched S&P 500 High Dividend Growth Index

Last December, in a prior blog, we introduced the S&P 500® High Dividend Growth Index, an innovative index that utilizes the S&P Global Dividend Forecasting Dataset to incorporate a forward-looking assessment when selecting constituents. The index is unique since it tracks companies in the S&P 500 that have not only consistently grown their dividends in…


Dec 13, 2023

Looking into the Future of Dividend Growth: The S&P 500 High Dividend Growth Index

As the leading dividend index provider, S&P DJI is constantly looking for new approaches and methodologies to bring novel ideas to the market. Our recently launched S&P 500® High Dividend Growth Index is a prime example of this innovative thinking, as it incorporates a forward-looking assessment into its methodology. This index tracks companies in the…


Dec 13, 2022

Paying Dividends: Measuring Rising Income against Declining Risks in the iBoxx Fixed Income Indices

With the ZIRP world1 firmly in the rear view, the “income” in fixed income is back. As yields collapsed to record lows, income-starved investors sought alternative sources of income such as dividend strategies, which attracted record flows in related products throughout 2022. Now, with investment grade bond yields hitting as high as 6%, bonds are…


Dec 5, 2022

S&P ESG High Yield Dividend Aristocrats Index – Adding a Layer of Sustainability via ESG Screening

High-dividend-yielding stocks have been prevalent in 2022, as rising interest rates have put downward pressure on long duration assets. At the same time, market participants are increasingly seeking to align investments with their personal and societal values. The S&P ESG High Yield Dividend Aristocrats® Index may be a strategy that checks both of these boxes….


Sep 2, 2020

Changes to the S&P/ASX 300 Shareholder Yield Index Explained

The S&P/ASX 300 Shareholder Yield Index consists of the 40 stocks from the S&P/ASX 300 with the highest shareholder yield, which is a combination of dividend yield and buyback yield. In order to achieve sustainable performance, the eligible stocks are screened for liquidity, free cash flow, and dividend growth. After consultations with market participants, S&P…


Apr 15, 2020

Fantasies from a Dividend Perspective

Q1 2020 ended with record dividend payments for S&P 500® issues, as shareholders reaped the benefits of a 10-year bull market. March 2020 (and the first six trading days of April 2020), however, gave a glimpse of what Q2 2020 may look like, as dividend cuts and suspensions started to be announced, with suspensions more…


Mar 29, 2018

Do Dividends Really Pay?

What benefits do dividend payments and dividend yields convey? The answers may sometimes be overlooked as market participants seek equity income or the perceived safety of dividend strategies. In 1961, Merton Miller and Franco Modigliani (M&M) theorized that dividend policy is irrelevant to company value.[1] Of course theories are models of reality and require simplifying…


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