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Tag Archives: dividend growth

Jul 22, 2024

S&P Dividend Aristocrats and the Search for Income

A company’s dividend track record is often seen as a sign of corporate maturity and balance sheet strength, but not all dividend strategies are created equal. Join S&P DJI’s Anu Ganti, Ben Voros and Elizabeth Bebb for an exploration of what makes the S&P Dividend Aristocrats Index Series unique.


Jun 28, 2024

A Strong Start for the Newly Launched S&P 500 High Dividend Growth Index

Last December, in a prior blog, we introduced the S&P 500® High Dividend Growth Index, an innovative index that utilizes the S&P Global Dividend Forecasting Dataset to incorporate a forward-looking assessment when selecting constituents. The index is unique since it tracks companies in the S&P 500 that have not only consistently grown their dividends in…


Jun 27, 2024

S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats Performance during Past Macroeconomic Cycles

The S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats® tracks companies that have grown their dividends for a period of at least 20 consecutive years, offering equity participation and the potential for enhanced dividend income. Our recent blog highlights that the dividend growth rate for the S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats has exceeded inflation over the long term…


Jun 25, 2024

What’s It Take to Be an S&P Dividend Aristocrat?

Not all dividend strategies are created equal. Discover how the S&P Dividend Aristocrat Indices screen for companies with a long track record of stable and increasing dividends to identify quality dividend growers and avoid the dreaded dividend trap.


Apr 29, 2024

How Are Some Dividend Growers Outpacing Inflation and the Benchmark?

With the 10-year U.S. Treasury yield hovering around 4.5%, investors may be able to find attractive yields without taking on too much risk. The challenge, however, is maintaining purchasing power relative to inflation (USD 1,000 in December 1999 was only worth USD 538 as of March 2024). For those seeking income and total returns that…


Dec 13, 2023

Looking into the Future of Dividend Growth: The S&P 500 High Dividend Growth Index

As the leading dividend index provider, S&P DJI is constantly looking for new approaches and methodologies to bring novel ideas to the market. Our recently launched S&P 500® High Dividend Growth Index is a prime example of this innovative thinking, as it incorporates a forward-looking assessment into its methodology. This index tracks companies in the…


Sep 18, 2023

Balancing High Yield and Growing Dividends in a Sector-Neutral Framework with the S&P Sector-Neutral High Yield Dividend Aristocrats

In September 2022, S&P DJI was pleased to add the S&P Sector-Neutral High Yield Dividend Aristocrats® to the S&P Dividend Aristocrats Index Series. While most dividend indices have notable sector under- and overweights versus their underlying benchmark, this index is the first in the series to be sector neutral. As such, this index emphasizes dividend…


Mar 30, 2023

Tracking Quality Dividend Growers in Pan Asia

What does it take to become an S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrat? S&P DJI’s Rupert Watts and KraneShares’ Brendan Ahern explore how the index tracks quality dividend growers in Pan Asia and a range of potential applications for these defensive yield generators.


Jan 23, 2023

Indexing Income: How Are Insurers Diversifying with Dividends?

As insurers face one of the most challenging bond markets in decades, many insurance companies are looking for different ways to generate revenue. S&P DJI’s Raghu Ramachandran and Rupert Watts join State Street Global Advisors’ Ben Woloshin for a closer look at how and why some insurers are implementing indexed-based equity strategies.


Dec 22, 2022

Defending with S&P Dividend Growers

How does constructing high capacity indices focusing on stable dividend growers and excluding potential value traps, tend to lead to higher profitability, reduced volatility, and greater risk-adjusted performance than the benchmark? S&P DJI’s Pavel Vaynshtok, Vanguard’s Janel Jackson, and MJP Wealth Advisors’ Brian Vendig take a closer look at the S&P Dividend Grower Indices.


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