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Tag Archives: S&P/ASX BuyWrite Index

Feb 21, 2023

Income Generation and the S&P/ASX BuyWrite Index

In my last blog, we discussed the performance characteristics of the S&P/ASX BuyWrite Index. We will now focus on the income-generating feature of this index. As a reminder, a covered call strategy involves selling a call option against an asset that is already owned by the option writer. A systematic long-term covered call strategy generates…


Feb 1, 2023

18-Year Performance of the S&P/ASX BuyWrite Index

The volatile and unpredictable nature of the stock market is characterized by periods of ups and downs. Covered call option writing is a strategy aimed at generating income and mitigating loss, particularly in bear market environments. A covered call (or “buy-write”) strategy involves selling a call option against an asset that is already owned by…


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