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Maya Beyhan

Senior Director, ESG Specialist, Index Investment Strategy, S&P Dow Jones Indices

Maya Beyhan is Senior Director, ESG Specialist, Index Investment Strategy at S&P Dow Jones Indices (S&P DJI). The index investment strategy team provides research and commentary on the entire S&P DJI product set, including U.S. and global equities, commodities, fixed income and economic indices. Maya’s role has a specific focus on ESG and climate-based indices within this product set globally.
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Jul 19, 2024

Where Shariah Meets ESG

There are parallels between Shariah and ESG principles, such as being a good steward to society and the environment. Having such overlapping and complementary principles has led to their natural pairing and a growing traction for ESG Shariah solutions around the globe. However, there is something that may be unexpected about these indices: even though…


Apr 30, 2024

A Hidden Stairway to Net Zero

“Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run There’s still time to change the road you’re on.” —Jimmy Page and Robert Plant Many observers assume indices targeting broad ESG performance follow different paths than those delivering climate-focused temperature alignment. In reality, data show that modern indices can often achieve…


Jul 19, 2023

Follow the ESG Leaders

The S&P 500® ESG Leaders Index is constructed using securities from the S&P 500 ESG Index that meet stricter sustainability criteria, while maintaining similar overall industry group weights as the S&P 500.1 The S&P 500 ESG Leaders Index takes its underlying index up a notch by applying additional exclusionary screenings based on business activities such…


May 31, 2023

Cutting Carbon without Changing Course: Net Zero Fixed Income Indices

S&P DJI recently expanded its range of S&P PACT™ Indices (S&P Paris-Aligned & Climate Transition Indices) to go beyond equity to now cover fixed income. Within these indices, the differences between the two asset classes in terms of the balance between cost (tracking error) and reward (sustainability profile) are material and highly thought-provoking. As shown…


May 1, 2023

The Best of Both Worlds: Sustainability in Sectors

Sector-based approaches have historically shown they can be valuable for diversification, among other investor goals, but, until now, sustainability-inclined investors have been presented with limited options. With the recent creation of the S&P ESG Enhanced Sector Indices and the subsequent licensing of the Information Technology, Energy, Financials, and Health Care indices for a select range…


Apr 5, 2023

SPIVA Japan Scorecard 2022: Active Underperformance Despite an Abundance of Opportunities

The inaugural S&P Indices versus Active (SPIVA®) U.S. Scorecard was published in 2002, and has since been extended to Australia, Canada, Europe, India, Japan, Latin America, South Africa and the Middle East & North Africa (MENA), allowing investors to experience the active versus passive debate on a global scale. The SPIVA Japan Scorecard measures the…


Jan 18, 2023

The Key to the S&P 500 ESG Index’s Outperformance: Avoiding the “Worst”

Now approaching its fourth anniversary since launch, the S&P 500® ESG Index seeks to reflect many of the attributes of the S&P 500 itself, while providing an improved sustainability profile as a result of an updated ESG score.1 With live performance data covering an extraordinary period—including two bear markets on either side of a growth…


Oct 11, 2022

S&P 500 Decarbonization: Drawing the Path to Net Zero

As reported in S&P DJI’s Climate and ESG Index Dashboard, climate indices can include both absolute and benchmark-relative goals. Absolute goals could include, for example, a certain target level of weighted average emissions among index constituents, while a relative goal might insist on an improvement in comparison to a benchmark such as the S&P 500®….


Jul 28, 2022

Schrödinger’s Carbon: Intensity and Paris Alignment

In quantum mechanics, Schrödinger’s Cat refers to the paradoxical consequences of a thought experiment: can a cat be simultaneously dead and alive? A similarly counterintuitive phenomenon can be found in the context of climate-based analysis: whereby an index may boast a relatively low carbon intensity and yet, perhaps surprisingly, not be judged as aligned with…


Jul 12, 2022

Connecting Climate Goals with Relative Index Returns

The widespread global adoption of ESG and climate indices has created an accompanying need for better understanding regarding the performance impact of the various choices made in their design. As introduced in S&P DJI’s new Climate & ESG Index Dashboard, a Brinson-like “carbon attribution” teases out one particularly important source of returns. Untangling the exact…


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