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Tag Archives: carbon intensity

Jul 19, 2024

Where Shariah Meets ESG

There are parallels between Shariah and ESG principles, such as being a good steward to society and the environment. Having such overlapping and complementary principles has led to their natural pairing and a growing traction for ESG Shariah solutions around the globe. However, there is something that may be unexpected about these indices: even though…


Jul 17, 2024

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

The ever-evolving artificial intelligence (AI) landscape has generated excitement, interest and investment; it has also triggered important questions regarding AI’s impact on businesses, on investment portfolios, on society and on the environment. When factoring in elements such as the high energy requirements of training large language models (LLMs), direct and indirect emissions and the diversity…


Jun 6, 2023

Where’s Your Carbon Gone? How the S&P PACT Indices Decarbonize

As the world aims to decarbonize toward a net zero future, the importance of tracking the carbon footprint of portfolios is becoming a primary focus for many investors; specifically, to measure and understand whether portfolios emulate the emission reduction targets needed globally to help mitigate the impacts of climate change. For investors, tracking an EU…


Oct 11, 2022

S&P 500 Decarbonization: Drawing the Path to Net Zero

As reported in S&P DJI’s Climate and ESG Index Dashboard, climate indices can include both absolute and benchmark-relative goals. Absolute goals could include, for example, a certain target level of weighted average emissions among index constituents, while a relative goal might insist on an improvement in comparison to a benchmark such as the S&P 500®….


Aug 24, 2022

Minimizing Carbon Intensity with the S&P Carbon Control Indices

When it comes to climate change, one of the most effective mitigation options is to decarbonize the economy.1 Not only does the world need to rethink energy systems, transport technologies and materials production processes, but also the role of capital in financing the low-carbon transition. Low-carbon indices offer market participants an efficient way of managing…


Jul 28, 2022

Schrödinger’s Carbon: Intensity and Paris Alignment

In quantum mechanics, Schrödinger’s Cat refers to the paradoxical consequences of a thought experiment: can a cat be simultaneously dead and alive? A similarly counterintuitive phenomenon can be found in the context of climate-based analysis: whereby an index may boast a relatively low carbon intensity and yet, perhaps surprisingly, not be judged as aligned with…


May 7, 2021

How Efficient Is the S&P/KRX Carbon Efficient Capped Index?

Following the South Korean government’s announcement of the Green New Deal in the summer of 2020, S&P Dow Jones Indices and the Korea Exchange (KRX) partnered to launch the S&P/KRX Carbon Efficient Capped Index on Nov. 16, 2020. The S&P/KRX Carbon Efficient Capped Index seeks to provide exposure to the Korean equities market, while also…


Feb 2, 2021

How Carbon Weight Adjustment May Reduce Carbon Intensity among Asian Equities

In a previous blog, we reviewed the carbon efficiencies of Asian companies in comparison with their global industry group peers. In this blog, we examine the potential carbon intensity1 reduction on various Asian markets by incorporating a carbon weight adjustment to their respective S&P Global BMI index universes, following the S&P Global Carbon Efficient Index…


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