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Tag Archives: high yield bonds

Jul 18, 2024

Exploring Fixed Income’s Passive Potential

Passive investing has historically been more associated with equities than with fixed income, but recent data indicates a change could be in the winds. S&P DJI’s Tim Edwards and Anu Ganti take a closer look at what’s driving the shift and what a passive transformation could mean for fixed income markets.


Jul 27, 2022

What Fixed Income Index Liquidity Means for Insurers

How are index-based strategies helping insurers measure and address liquidity in their portfolios? Take a closer look at the why index liquidity matters with S&P DJI’s Nick Godec, Morgan Stanley’s Meredith Shaw, and BlackRock’s James Winslow.


Jun 23, 2020

BBB Bond Downgrades Added USD 88 Billion to the High-Yield Bond Market YTD

In recent years, one noticeable development in the corporate bond market has been the rapid growth of the BBB bond market in terms of its absolute amount and relative share of investment-grade corporate bonds. We wrote a blog on this topic in May 2019 detailing the growth of the BBB bond market and its impact…


Jun 19, 2020

Like the Virus, Credit Spreads Could Be at Risk of a Possible Second Wave

Ever since the Fed released its tsunami of credit, credit markets have rallied the most since the depth of the Global Financial Crisis. Continued central bank actions have driven the already existing trend toward demand for higher-yielding assets, helping companies issue debt with fewer lender safeguards and covenants. With the Fed willing to support the…


Sep 26, 2017

Impact of Term Structure on VIX® Futures Correlation with Bond Sectors

Recently my colleague wrote about the correlation between VIX (spot and futures) and two credit sectors (high-yield and emerging market bonds).  The blog shows that VIX futures exhibit stronger negative correlation than VIX spot and that this stronger negative correlation of bonds to VIX futures than to VIX spot comes mostly from down markets.  In…


Sep 20, 2017

Correlation Analysis of VIX® and High Yield and Emerging Market Bonds

The CBOE Volatility Index® (VIX) measures the implied volatility of the S&P 500® over a 30-day period.  It is widely followed by market participants across asset classes to gauge market sentiment.  Traditionally, fixed income market participants have incorporated it into macro analysis. Can VIX-related products be used as hedging tools for some bond sectors that…


Aug 15, 2016

Think Rates Will Stay Low? Consider Preferreds Over High Yield Bonds

As income seekers are forced to take additional risk to meet income needs in today’s near zero interest rate environment, preferreds may be considered over high yield bonds for the following five reasons: 1. Significantly higher credit quality 2. Comparable yields and lower volatility 3. Tax advantages on income 4. Call risk appears limited in…


May 23, 2014

Three Myths of the U.S. Senior Loan Market

The S&P/LSTA U.S. Leveraged Loan 100 Index has returned 1.76% year to date under performing vs. fixed rate high yield bonds.  The low rate environment and continued demand for yield generating asset classes has pushed the S&P U.S. Issued High Yield Corporate Bond Index returns to  4.32% year to date as yields have fallen by…


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