Blitzer's Insights Equities Factors S&P 500 & DJIA

Growth, Value and Apple

The news that Berkshire Hathaway purchased a billion dollars of Apple stock sparked questions – Will S&P DJI re-classify Apple as a value stock? How are stocks divided between growth and value? Among growth and value, which is ahead year-to-date?

Currently S&P DJI classifies Apple as a growth stock. Growth-value classifications are reviewed annually in December based on a quantitative analysis of financial factors. Whether Apple’s classification is changed depends on the how the numbers add up when the next review is done.

Each stock is assigned a value score and a growth score. The value score is based on the book-to-price, earnings-to-price and sales-to-price ratios. The growth score is based on momentum over 12 months; the changes in earnings per share and the growth of sales per share, each over the last three years.  Scores are normalized to make the numbers comparable. Then the stocks in the S&P 500 are ranked by the ratio of their growth score to their value score. The first third of the rankings – highest ratio of growth to value – are growth stocks, the last third – lowest ratio of growth to value – are value stocks and the middle third are apportioned between growth and value based on their scores.

The result is the S&P 500 Growth index and the S&P 500 Value index. These can be used to tell which style lead, or lagged, during past market moves.  The chart compares the performance of the growth and value indices since early 2007 when Apple announced the first iPhone.  The shaded area shows the percentage change in the growth index over the last six months less the percentage change in the value index over the same six month period.  Above the horizontal axis growth is winning, below the axis value is winning.

The indices also let analysts benchmark a stock against other stocks with similar characteristics.  The second chart compares Apple to both the S&P 500 Growth and S&P 500 Value. The data are re-based to a common starting point of 100 in February 2007. The chart uses a logarithmic scale so that both Apple (which rose by 10 times) and the indices (which rose by a lot less) can be shown on the same page.  Apple outpaced both growth and value. Of course, past performance is no guarantee of the future and whether Apple is growth or value at the next review remains to be seen.

A detailed description of the growth and value indices is in S&P U.S. Style Indices Methodology available on

Equities S&P 500 & DJIA

Did Apple Weigh Down Your ETF?

Despite posting second quarter 44% earnings growth, Apple declined 4.3% on Wednesday July 22. According to S&P Capital IQ, 33% sales growth was more modest than expected and the company’s third-quarter revenue guidance was below Capital IQ consensus. Further, iPhone and iPad shipments were weaker than expected. As the largest company in the U.S., with a market cap of approximately $720 billion, Apple was a recent top-10 holding in 98 largely index based ETFs.

At the end of June 2015, Apple was a 4% weighting in the S&P 500 Index, nearly equal the size of Microsoft and Exxon Mobil, the two next largest constituents.

But Apple’s weighting was nearly five times as large in the market-cap weighted S&P 500 Information Technology Index and other leading technology indices that are tracked by some ETFs. Not surprisingly, those indices were dragged lower by Apple on Wednesday.

For investors that want to track more diversified technology index, an equal-weighted approach is worthy of consideration. The S&P 500 Equal Weight Technology Index is one of them. It consists of all the technology stocks in the S&P 500 in largely equal proportion regardless of market cap and rebalances quarterly. This means that Electronic Arts was recently a larger position at 1.8% than Apple 1.6%, despite having a market cap of just $23 billion or less than 5% of Apple.

Of course equal weighting approaches work both ways, and investors in such ETFs can miss out on gains achieved by some of the largest companies. For example, the two Google share classes (GOOG) and (GOOG) comprised 10% of the S&P 500 Information Technology sector.

Google jumped sharply last week after reporting stronger the expected results. Second quarter non-GAAP EPS was $6.99, up 15% from a year earlier and $0.31 above the S&P Capital IQ estimate. In contrast, Google is a similarly small 2% weighting in the S&P 500 Equal Weight Technology index.

A version of this article originally was published on MarketScope Advisor.

Please follow me @ToddSPCAPIQ to keep up with the latest ETF Trends.


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Equities S&P 500 & DJIA

Apple Set to Join the Dow Jones Industrial Average

S&P Dow Jones Indices announced that Apple (AAPL) will be added to the Dow Jones Industrial Average, replacing AT&T (T), after the close of business on March 18, 2015; release attached.

All data is based on last night’s close, and will be finalized after the close of March 18, 2015. 

American Telephone & Telegraph was added to the Dow Jones Industrials on October 4, 1916.  It was rename AT&T on April 20, 1994, and deleted from the Dow on April 8, 2004.  On November 1, 1999, SBC Communications, which formerly was Southwestern Bell, one of the seven ‘baby bells’ spun-off by AT&T in 1982 (Ameritech, Bell Atlantic, BellSouth, NYNEX, Pacific Telesis, Southwestern Bell, and US West – all 7 were added to the S&P 500), was added to the Dow.  On November 21, 2005 AT&T merged into SBC Communications, with SBC Communications renaming itself AT&T, which is the issue being removed now. After the change, Verizon, which was also one of the original seven spun-off, Bell Atlantic, will be the only telecommunications issue left in the Dow.

The change in membership will occur as Visa does a 4-for-1 stock split, which will have an impact on the index since the Dow is price weighted.  Overall, the changes will reduce the weighting of information technology from 19.17%, down to 17.05%, since Visa’s 4-for-1 stock split outweighs Apple’s addition (even as the full market value weighting, such as the methodology used for the S&P 500, will change information technology’s market value to 30.92% of the Dow’s market weight, from the current 19.71%). Telecommunication’s index weight will be reduced to 1.80%, from the current 2.94%, as Verizon becomes the only issue representing the sector in the Dow.

As of last night’s close (3/5/15), the split, combined with the membership change, will reduce Visa’s position in the price-weighted index from #1, at their current $274.13 price, to #21, at $68.53, reducing its weighting percentage from 9.71% to 2.53%.  Goldman Sachs will be take over the #1 weighting position with 7.01% of the weighting, followed by 3M (6.18%), International Business Machines (5.95%), and Boeing (5.70%).  Apple will enter the index in the 5th position, accounting for 4.66%, even as it is the largest publicly traded issue by market value in the world (all subject to change based on the March 18 close).

Visa has been the best performing issue in the Dow since the close of 2013, accounting for approximately 21% of the gain.  To some degree, the impact on the Dow of the split is similar to profit taking, since the gains were locked in and the issue reweighted; at the new weighting, Visa would need to decline 75% in price to negate the 21% gain it added to the Dow since 2013.

Splits in the Dow have been rare (as they have for the S&P 500 and the market in general), with the last stock split in the Dow being a 2-for-1 by Coca-Cola in August 2012, and the one before that being a 2-for-1 by Caterpillar in July 2005; I went back to 1980, but didn’t find a 4-for-1 in the Dow (S&P 5000 members and VF Group did a 4-for-1 in 2013).  Technically, Visa’s 4-for-1 stock split will not count as a Dow split, since it occurs before the addition.

Apple and AT&T, strangely, both pay a $0.47 quarterly dividend ($1.88 annual). However, Apple, at $126.41 yields 1.5%, while AT&T, at $34.00 yields 5.5%.  The change to the Dow will be a slight increase to yields (due to Visa, which yields 0.7%), as it goes from the current 2.29% to a proforma 2.33% (all 30 issues in the Dow pay a dividend).   Apple, which started paying a dividend in March 2012, increased its dividend rate in April 2013 and in April 2014 (see chart – just happen to have one hanging around).

Information technology and telecommunications weighting decline, as the other sectors split the gains

Proforma Dow as of last night: Apple added, AT&T deleted, Visa split 4-for-1

Apple’s dividend history – April 2015? 

Rumors and talk of Apple’s addition to the Dow have been prevalent on the Street for years, and have grown since its 7-for-1 stock split in June 2014
However, the Dow is price weighted, with Apple being 5th in the Dow, as compared to 1st in the S&P 500 (by market value) and twice that of #2 Exxon – bottom line is Apple has weight in the Dow, but it’s not the giant it is in the S&P 500, so don’t expect its impact to be the same, in either direction

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