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Tag Archives: water risk

Apr 13, 2018

Water Risk: Looking Back and Looking Ahead

Water scarcity risk has been in the spotlight recently with Cape Town’s efforts to avert “Day Zero” and the risk of taps running dry. Although this risk appears to be receding through radical conservation measures, including wholesale elimination of abstraction rights in some cases, it underlines the common global challenge of increasing fresh water scarcity….


Mar 17, 2017

Why Companies and Investors Need to Value Water Differently

March 22, 2017, is World Water Day, the U.N.’s annual bid to raise awareness about the water crisis.  Climate change, pollution, and overconsumption are making fresh water an increasingly scarce resource.  Worldwide, 663 million people currently have no access to clean water.  By 2030, it is predicted that there will be a 40% shortfall in…


Oct 19, 2016

Water Risk for Business – Three Key Questions

Water crises are the top societal global risk in terms of impact, according to The World Economic Forum’s Global Risk Report 2016. There is of course no lack of water; the risk is around availability of fresh water which constitutes just 2.5% of the world’s water. This has broadly been the case for millennia –…


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