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Tag Archives: S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries

Jul 15, 2024

The S&P/ASX Index for “Larger,” More Liquid Small Caps

What would you get if you carved out the 100 smallest companies in the S&P/ASX 200 into their own index? You’d have the S&P/ASX 200 Ex-S&P/ASX 100 Index. Alternatively, you’d have also segmented the largest 100 companies in the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries. Companies listed on the ASX are grouped into broad market, large-, mid- and…


Oct 25, 2023

The Importance of Profitability in Australian Small Caps

It has long been evident that small-cap companies with a track record of generating earnings have outperformed relative to their peers. Profitability matters for small-cap companies, and the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Select Index was launched in 2018 to provide a measurement of these companies in Australia. The S&P/ASX Small Ordinaires Select Index—which includes a profitably…


May 14, 2023

S&P/ASX Small- and Mid-Cap Indices: Differentiators in a Large-Cap Dominated Market

Large-cap, Australian-listed companies have continued their robust 2022, outperforming the small- and mid-cap segments YTD as of April 30, 2023. However, a fast-changing economic environment may support considering small and mid-cap indices in Australia. The range of returns for Australian-listed companies in 2022 was among the widest seen in 20 years. Broad dispersion was exhibited…


Sep 21, 2020

Examining Small-Cap Growth Strategies in Australia

Many market participants invest in small-cap equities seeking high-growth potential and portfolio diversification. In this blog, we will examine how growth factors performed in Australian small-cap equities by measuring the hypothetical top-quintile portfolio returns for three growth factors with long- and short-lookback periods, including 12- and 6-month price momentum, 3- and 1-year earnings growth, and…


Aug 6, 2020

What’s inside the S&P DJI Australian Factor Indices?

In our paper, How Smart Beta Strategies Work in the Australian Market, our studies indicated that most factor indices in Australia exhibited distinct return characteristics during up and down markets. Indeed, different factor indices also displayed unique style and industry factor exposures, resulting in factor index performance differentials over the long term. In this blog,…


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