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Tag Archives: Financial Crisis

Aug 21, 2018

Debt and Recovery Ten Years Later

Debt – actually too much debt – played a leading role in the 2008 financial crisis.  A mortgage borrowing binge and a flood of mortgage backed securities set the stage for the collapse of Lehman Brothers and recession that followed. In the immediate aftermath almost every part of the economy went through a period of…


Apr 8, 2016

Growth and Surging Popularity of Unconstrained Bond Funds

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2007-2008, one noticeable trend in fixed income investment is the growth and popularity of unconstrained bond funds.  They have generated strong interest in the investment industry due to the flexibility they offer in duration management and the broader investment universe.  Because they are not managed against…


Sep 18, 2014

What Ails Housing Starts

August housing starts, reported today, were disappointing at 956,000 units, a drop of 14.4% from July and 8% from August last year. Only twice this year have monthly reports of housing starts topped a million units at annual rates – from 1991 to the financial crisis in 2008, starts were never below one million.  To…


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