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Target Date Fixed Income ETFs

High Quality Munis Held Back by Puerto Rico Storm

Less [Information] May be More…

Commodities Fall at the Start of Autumn

Jekyll & Hyde: The U.S. Preferred Stock Market

Target Date Fixed Income ETFs

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Richard Steinberg

President and Chief Investment Officer

Steinberg Global Asset Management, Ltd.

In real estate, it’s location, location, location.  In bond portfolios, it’s duration, duration, duration.

With the onset of defined maturity or “target date” ETFs, investors now have the ability to tweak their portfolios to their liking.  Muni , taxable and high yield offerings are now available in the market place, enabling investors to essentially “ladder “ their portfolios with ETFs that will “mature” in different time frames or years (i.e. 2014, 2015, etc.)  Essentially, target date ETFs are a re-branding of fixed income unit trusts that existed years ago in the marketplace.  Just as many “managed” ETFs rebranded themselves from their former name as closed end funds.

Currently, the yield curve offers very little reward for short-term returns.  Investors have an appetite for yield but also realize that the interest rate and duration risk of longer maturities could give them indigestion.

“Barbelling” a portfolio worked for many years where there was a balance between the short-end of the curve on the left side of the barbell and longer maturities invested on the right side.  When the investor “lifted” the barbell over their head, there was balance between both ends, making it easier to hold.  Now, investors have started to skew the left side, or shorter end of the curve in their barbell, making many investors feel uncomfortable with the lack of balance over their head.

Target date ETFs could be a great tool in the future on the short-end of the curve when rates normalize.  Duration measures the sensitivity of a bond portfolio to a change in interest rates.  However, currently, extra low duration bonds and ETFs offer little more than cash for taxable and muni ETFs.  High yield, or junk offerings in ETFs, offer higher reward with commensurate risk.  An equally weighted portfolio of corporate target date ETFs in years 2014, 2015 and 2016 had a duration of just under 2 years and a mean yield of under 1%.  Since many retail investors and endowments “eat their cash flow”, this strategy would still leave them hungry.   Since target date ETFs “mature”, cash accumulates as bonds mature. In this interest rate environment, investors might be better served looking at the near-zero rate of return in cash or possibly utilizing ultra-short maturity ETFs, even though the latter should not be viewed as a cash alternative.

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High Quality Munis Held Back by Puerto Rico Storm

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J.R. Rieger

Former Head of Fixed Income Indices

S&P Dow Jones Indices

The S&P Municipal Bond Puerto Rico Index is down over 16% since mid-year and over 20% for the last 12 months.  The ‘storm’ has continued into October as the index is down 2% month to date.

The Puerto Rico bond market debacle weighs on the rest of the municipal bond market despite its relative high quality. For the year to date, tax-free investment grade municipal bonds tracked in the S&P National AMT-Free Municipal Bond Index are down over 3.5% as yields have risen by about 100bps. (As a comparison, investment grade corporate bonds tracked in the S&P U.S. Issued Investment Grade Corporate Bond Index are down just about 2.5% as yields have risen by about 50bps).

A quick look at the quality of investment grade municipal bonds compared to the corporate bond market can be seen in the graph below.

Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and/or its affiliates. Data as of September 16, 2013. Charts and graphs are provided for illustrative purposes. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.  Moody’s, S&P  and Fitch Ratings are used.  Ratings categories based on index methodology: if rated by only one ratings agency, that rating is used. If rated by more than one rating agency, the lowest rating is used.
Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and/or its affiliates. Data as of September 16, 2013. Charts and graphs are provided for illustrative purposes. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Moody’s, S&P and Fitch Ratings are used. Ratings categories based on index methodology: if rated by only one ratings agency, that rating is used. If rated by more than one rating agency, the lowest rating is used.

Join S&P Dow Jones Indices for a Municipal Bond Event in New York, NY on October 17th

Attend this half-day seminar and hear financial industry leaders discuss the challenges facing the municipal bond market in a rising interest rate environment. Keynote speaker, Jim Lebenthal, co-founder of Lebenthal Asset Management, will examine the overall health of the market and explore current opportunities in U.S. infrastructure and municipal bonds. Our panel moderators include Tom Keene, anchor of Bloomberg Surveillance and Frederick Gabriel, Editor of InvestmentNews. CFA®, CIMA®, CFP® Credit Available.

Register Now:

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Less [Information] May be More…

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David Blitzer

Former Managing Director and Chairman of the Index Committee

S&P Dow Jones Indices

For most investors and many economists the first Friday of the month means the Employment Report at 8:30 AM eastern time.   The much-watched first official bit of economic data for the month just ended sets the tone for the markets and for the weekend investment advice columns.   This weekend the economic-investing blogosphere had little to debate beyond what to watch instead of the unemployment rate.  Those hoping that all will be revealed in the next Employment Report once the government is back to work could be disappointed.  On the usual schedule the Bureau of Labor Statistics would be doing their survey this coming week.  If the government is still shut down next weekend, we might have to wait even longer to argue over the accuracy of the unemployment rate.

Don’t despair.  Investors may be better off with fewer economic statistics and a little less debate.   Some years ago an academic paper title “Trading is Hazardous to Your Wealth” showed that for many individual investors, the more often they traded, the worst their results were.  Portfolio turnover averaged 75% for the investors studied and their returns lagged the market by a substantial margin.  The authors of the study suggest that investor over-confidence drove the excessive trading. (The paper can be found here.)

Other research that shows index investing outperforms some 60%-70% of active fund managers is based on buy-and-hold investing.  In the analyses the index fund is assumed to be held for one, three or five years with index level minimal turnover while the active fund manager trades, often surpassing the 75% turnover noted in the Trading is Hazardous study.  All that churning drives up costs. If the trading is successful, the churning also drives up tax liabilities.  Those costs are a key factor in the studies results.  (Index vs. active research is here.)

Most of us would like to see the government get back to work – after all we’re still paying our taxes so they should be doing something for our money – and most would not want to go without ever seeing another economic statistic or unemployment rate report.   But for the moment maybe we can enjoy worrying about something else this weekend.

The posts on this blog are opinions, not advice. Please read our Disclaimers.

Commodities Fall at the Start of Autumn

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Jodie Gunzberg

Former Managing Director, Head of U.S. Equities

S&P Dow Jones Indices

Hear the impact of the Syrian tension on oil and why the effect on copper might be different than in historical wars.

The S&P GSCI® and Dow Jones UBS Commodity Index both fell in September, returning -3.4% and -2.6%, respectively.

Some highlights from the S&P GSCI® include:

  • Energy: Despite losing 4.5% on the month, S&P GSCI Energy is up 3.8% for the year.
  • Precious Metals: The S&P GSCI Precious Metals was the weakest sector in September, returning -5.3%.
  • Agriculture: Grains were down 2.9% in September mainly due to corn’s 8.4% loss.

Read on for more S&P GSCI trends.

Explore our S&P GSCI offerings:

Some highlights from the DJ-UBS Commodity Index include:

  • Industrial Metals: Industrial metals were up 1.6% for the month, with copper carrying the sector.
  • Energy: Among subindices in the energy sector, unleaded gasoline declined the furthest, down 7.9%.
  • Softs: With the exception of coffee, down 2.2%, all the commodities in the softs sector were positive in September.

Read on for more DJ-UBS Commodity Index trends.

Explore the DJ-UBS Commodity Index offerings:

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Jekyll & Hyde: The U.S. Preferred Stock Market

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J.R. Rieger

Former Head of Fixed Income Indices

S&P Dow Jones Indices

Preferred stocks have a split personality, part equity and part bond. The bond characteristics of preferred stock has, at least for the time being, become the ‘Mr. Hyde’ of the asset class.  The high dividends that preferred stock owners enjoy can be compared to future interest payments of bonds. Like bonds, the prospect of the Fed tapering and causing rising interest rates has helped bring the 2013 YTD returns for the S&P U.S. Preferred Stock Index to -1%.  Meanwhile, the S&P 500 has seen over 19.6% total return.

Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and/or its affiliates. Data as of October 3, 2013. Charts and graphs are provided for illustrative purposes. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and/or its affiliates. Data as of October 3, 2013. Charts and graphs are provided for illustrative purposes. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

The dividend cash flow ends up being an important characteristic of the preferred asset class. With a yield over 7%, the S&P U.S. Preferred Stock Index reflects a yield of over 120bps higher than U.S. high yield bonds as tracked by the S&P U.S. Issued High Yield Corporate Bond Index.

Asset Class Yields September 30, 2013


Over the long haul, those higher dividends have helped create a total return advantage over the S&P 500.  A five year look back tells the story as the S&P U.S. Preferred Stock Index has returned over 16%, while the S&P 500 returned over 11%.

Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and/or its affiliates. Data as of October 3, 2013. Charts and graphs are provided for illustrative purposes. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and/or its affiliates. Data as of October 3, 2013. Charts and graphs are provided for illustrative purposes. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Which future will it be for U.S. Preferred Stock, Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?


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