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Tag Archives: S&P Portugal Sovereign Bond Index

Jul 7, 2015

Greece And The ECB: What Precedent Will Be Set For The Eurozone?

Greece has voted “no” to a referendum on further austerity measures proposed by the ECB. Greek PM Tsipras wanted this result, in order to gain more bargaining power with creditors. The ECB reacted accordingly, and placed steeper haircuts on collateral for emergency funding.   This puts additional pressure on a banking system that is already in…


Jun 22, 2015

Uncertainty In Greece Causing Real Concern In European Government Bond Markets

Uncertainty is a four letter word in bond markets and can lead to significant volatility.  The Greek debt dilemma is becoming more and more dire each day.  European government bond markets are reacting with some significant swings.  Germany and the IMF offered Greece a deal last week that would require strict adherence to austerity reforms,…


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