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Tag Archives: S&P Cryptocurrency BDM Index

Oct 26, 2021

A Deeper Dive into the Digital Assets Ecosystem

S&P Dow Jones Indices launched the S&P Cryptocurrency Indices in May. The indices have shown historically high annualized returns accompanied by significant volatility and downside risk. One of the goals of indexing is to bring accessibility and transparency to markets, and we believe that launching indices with a trusted price provider, Lukka, has allowed market…


Jul 13, 2021

Digital Market Toolkit Expands with the Latest S&P Cryptocurrency Indices

We are proud to announce the launch of our latest cryptocurrency indices, featuring the new S&P Cryptocurrency Broad Digital Market (BDM) Index. As we have discussed before, cryptocurrencies come with a host of new opportunities and challenges. As an emerging space, one of the biggest issues is a lack of transparency. Our new S&P Cryptocurrency…


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