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SPIVA® India Year-End 2016 Scorecard: Underperformance of Active Funds Versus S&P BSE Benchmark Indices

Rising Interest Rates – Boon or Bane for Pan Asian Dividend Strategies?

Bridging the Volatility Gap between IG and HY

Reading between the lines of China’s “Twin sessions”

Rieger Report: Why foreign investors like U.S. municipal bonds

SPIVA® India Year-End 2016 Scorecard: Underperformance of Active Funds Versus S&P BSE Benchmark Indices

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Akash Jain

Director, Global Research & Design

S&P BSE Indices

Various events during the second half of 2016, both global—such as the U.S. Federal Reserve rate hike and the U.S. elections—and domestic—such as passage of the GST bill in Parliament and demonetization—kept Indian markets volatile.  Over the one-year period ending December 2016, Indian equity markets underperformed Indian bond markets.  The S&P BSE 100, which seeks to measure the large-cap equity market in India, ended in the black, at 5.02%.  The mid-cap equity market, as measured by the S&P BSE MidCap, returned 9.28% over the same period.  The S&P BSE India Government Bond Index delivered a total return of 13.51%.

The S&P Indices Versus Active (SPIVA) India Scorecard, which is a biannual report, attempts to capture the performance of active funds (both equity and debt funds) domiciled in India against S&P BSE benchmarks over different time horizons.  The study reveals that over the one-year period ending December 2016, 66.29% of Indian Equity Large-Cap funds, 64.29% of Indian ELSS funds, and 71.11% of Indian Equity Mid-/Small-Cap funds underperformed their respective benchmark indices.  Additionally, the majority of the Indian Composite Bond funds underperformed the S&P BSE India Bond Index over 1-, 3-, 5-, and 10-year periods, whereas the majority of Indian Government Bond funds underperformed the S&P BSE India Government Bond Index over 3-, 5-, and 10-year periods (see Exhibit 1).

Exhibit 1: Funds that Underperformed the Benchmark

Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, Morningstar, and Association of Mutual Funds in India.  Data from December 2006 to December 2016, based on the SPIVA India Year-End 2016 Scorecard.  Past performance is no guarantee of future results.  Chart is provided for illustrative purposes and reflects hypothetical historical performance.

Over the five-year period ending December 2016, apart from Indian ELSS funds, none of the categories (across equity and debt) had a 100% survivorship rate.  Over the 10-year period, Indian Equity Large-Cap funds showed a survivorship rate of 66.7%, whereas Indian Equity Mid-/Small-Cap funds had a 65.1% survivorship rate.  Over the same period, the Indian Government Bond and Indian Composite Bond funds had even lower survivorship rates, at 51.7% and 58.7%, respectively.

Over the 10-year period, style consistency was fairly low for Indian Equity Large-Cap funds (30.6%) and Indian Equity Mid-/Small-Cap funds (28.6%).  This is particularly important because a market participant may want to understand not only whether a fund has survived the investment horizon but also the percentage of funds that stayed consistent to their initial investment categorization.  Globally, style classification is an important metric that can guide market participants in their asset allocation decisions.  On the other hand, Indian ELSS funds have largely been style consistent.  Not only have a large number of these funds managed to outperform the benchmark, but they have done so with a higher margin over the three- and five-year horizons than any other category, at 3.9% and 2.5%, respectively.

As Indian markets have matured, we have observed convergence to global mature markets in terms of outperformance of benchmark indices and fees.

To discover more about the performance of Indian active funds versus their benchmarks, check out the SPIVA India Year-End 2016 Scorecard.

Exhibit 2: Asset-Weighted Outperformance of Funds Versus Respective Benchmarks

Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, Morningstar, and Association of Mutual Funds in India.  Data from December 2006 to December 2016, based on the SPIVA India Year-End 2016 Scorecard.  Past performance is no guarantee of future results.  Chart is provided for illustrative purposes and reflects hypothetical historical performance.

Exhibit 3: Equal-Weighted Outperformance of Funds Versus Respective Benchmarks

Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, Morningstar, and Association of Mutual Funds in India.  Outperformance measured in INR.  Data from December 2006 to December 2016, based on SPIVA India Year-End 2016 Scorecard.  Data from December 2006 to December 2016, based on the SPIVA India Year-End 2016 Scorecard.  Past performance is no guarantee of future results.  Chart is provided for illustrative purposes and reflects hypothetical historical performance.

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Rising Interest Rates – Boon or Bane for Pan Asian Dividend Strategies?

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Utkarsh Agrawal

Associate Director, Global Research & Design

S&P Dow Jones Indices

In December 2016, the U.S. Fed raised the interest rate for the second time in the current rate hike cycle.  Three more rate hikes were expected for this year, one of which took place in March.  In a low interest rate environment, companies that have increasing dividends or offer high dividend yields look attractive to income-seeking market participants.  But the yield offered by these companies may be considered less competitive in a rising interest rate environment.  Exhibit 1 shows how various S&P DJI Asian dividend and REIT indices have performed in U.S. interest rate cycles since 2004.

During the U.S. rate hike cycle that began June 30, 2004, and lasted until the first rate cut on Sept. 18, 2007, the three S&P Dow Jones Asian Dividend Indices examined, as well as the S&P Pan Asia REIT Index, significantly outperformed the Pan Asia equity benchmark, the S&P Pan Asia BMI, and the S&P U.S. Treasury Bond 7-10 Year Index (see Exhibit 1).  However, in the next rate cut cycle lasting from Sept. 18, 2007, to Dec. 17, 2015, the performance trend of these indices reversed, most likely due to the impact of the global financial crisis.  The returns of all three Asian dividend indices and the S&P Pan Asia REIT Index lagged the equity benchmark and the S&P U.S. Treasury Bond 7-10 Year Index.  The Dow Jones Asia/Pacific Select Dividend 30 Index even recorded negative returns in this rate cut cycle.

In the most recent rate hike cycle starting Dec. 17, 2015, the three Asian dividend indices and the S&P Pan Asia REIT index again delivered significant excess returns compared to the S&P Pan Asia BMI and the S&P U.S. Treasury Bond 7-10 Year Index.

Exhibit 2 shows the yield spread of various dividend indices versus the yield-to-maturity of the S&P U.S. Treasury Bond 7-10 Year Index since Dec. 17, 2015.  Apart from the S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats, both the Dow Jones Dividend Indices and the S&P Pan Asia REIT Index maintained yield spreads of more than 2% after three rate hikes.  The S&P Pan Asia REIT Index maintained the most stable yield spread throughout the period studied.

While market participants may expect interest rate hikes to negatively affect Asian high-yield stock performance, it is notable that their performance has been much more sensitive to economic cycles than to U.S. interest rate cycles over the past decade.  For the Dow Jones Asian Dividend Indices and the S&P Pan Asia REIT Index, it appears there is still a lot of room for rate hikes before their yield spread will vanish.

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Bridging the Volatility Gap between IG and HY

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Hong Xie

Former Senior Director, Global Research & Design

S&P Dow Jones Indices

The goal of the S&P U.S. High Yield Low Volatility Corporate Bond Index is to construct a high-yield bond portfolio with low credit risk and low return volatility by applying a low volatility factor.  Does the index methodology truly deliver the effect of reducing volatility?  The back-tested results of the 17-year period ending Feb. 28, 2017, show that the S&P U.S. High Yield Low Volatility Corporate Bond Index may offer an intersection that bridges the volatility gap between the high-yield and investment-grade bond sectors, with increased return efficiency.

Exhibit 1 shows annualized volatility across the equity and fixed income sectors from Jan. 31, 2000, (the first value date of the index) to Feb. 28, 2017.  As expected, the S&P U.S. High Yield Low Volatility Corporate Bond Index sat between the high-yield and investment-grade bond sectors in the volatility spectrum.

Exhibit 2 illustrates the return/volatility trade-off among various sectors.  The fact that the S&P U.S. High Yield Low Volatility Corporate Bond Index is located above the straight line linking the investment-grade and high-yield bond sectors demonstrates that the index outperforms the return frontier established by the two bond sectors.  This increased return efficiency can also be seen from the S&P U.S. High Yield Low Volatility Corporate Bond Index’s higher ratio of return-to-volatility than that of the broad-based, high-yield index (see Exhibit 3).

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Reading between the lines of China’s “Twin sessions”

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Vania Pang

Capital Markets and Investment Solutions, Index and Quantitative Investment

ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management (International) Company Limited

China’s National People’s Congress, the annual plenary session of China’s legislature, is done and dusted. No major policy upheaval ahead the 19th Party Congress in November. Nonetheless, the shift in tone in the government work report have shed some light on China’s policy direction.

1. Tone shifted from “maintaining growth” to “containing risk”
The theme of stability, focusing on risk control and deleveraging have been reinforced by Premier Li Keqiang in the government work report. This tone was well set at the Central Economic Work Conference in December 2016.

The economic growth target in 2017 is softened to “6.5% or higher” while both the M2 and total social financing growth target were set at 12% in 2017, 1ppt lower than that of 2016. These targets reflect the government’s intention to contain rising leverage and pursue a prudent monetary policy.

A “neutral and prudent” monetary policy stance is further backed by the recent rate hikes in China together with regulation tightening. Reuters reported PBOC began taking into account off-balance sheet financing to its Macro Prudential Assessment (MPA) at the beginning of 2017. Furthermore, PBOC plans to tighten capital adequacy requirement by removing the “tolerance indicator”, according to sources[1]. The measures would make the expansion of risk assets by commercial banks more costly.

2. Stress on “real economy” and “innovation”
Both President Xi Jinping and Premier Li stressed that the real economy is the foundation for China’s development. The government work report stated that greater efforts will be made this year to upgrade the real economy through innovation.

It is noteworthy that the term “Artificial Intelligence” has been mentioned in the government work report this year, for the first time, saying that AI is one of the emerging industries where development will be accelerated. Many internet companies have been investing heavily on AI. By adopting AI, manufacturing companies could reduce cost and improve efficiency. According to The National Bureau of Statistics, in the first two months of 2017, the investment in high-tech industry grew by 18.4% yoy, or 9.5 ppt higher than the growth rate of total investment.

3. Why a “Total China” approach is the way forward?

Striving a balance between achieving growth target and reducing financial risks would pose both opportunities and challenges to the companies in China. In order to capture the growth story as well as mitigate the risk, a “Total China” approach to index investing should be considered.

The S&P China 500 Index offers a more comprehensive coverage of the top 500 Chinese companies, while approximating the sector composition of the broader Chinese equity market. All Chinese share classes, including A-shares, H shares, US listed ADRs are eligible for inclusion, subject to meeting minimum size and liquidity requirements.

As a result, the S&P China 500 Index offers a more diversified representation across sectors compared to existing major China indices (Figure 1). As of Dec 31, 2016, S&P China 500 has a weight of only 23.6% in the financial sector, much less as compared to FSTE A50 (66.4%), CSI300 (35.48%), and MSCI China (27.04%).  More weights are distributed to new economies such as Information Technology or Consumer Discretionary sectors, offering a more forward-looking representation of China’s economy in the new paradigm where technology-driven consumption plays a significant role.

Historical performance of the diversified S&P China 500 Index has demonstrated better risk-adjusted returns (Figure 2).  During the period from 31-Dec, 2008 to 31-Dec, 2016, the S&P China 500 Index generated an annualized return of 9.6% and a Sharpe ratio of 0.4, both are the highest among the major onshore and offshore China indices.

The S&P China 500’s all-inclusiveness and not biased towards any sector or large SOE mitigates the concentration risks and create a more balanced yet diversified China exposure.

[1] Source: Reuters, 9 March, 2017


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Rieger Report: Why foreign investors like U.S. municipal bonds

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J.R. Rieger

Former Head of Fixed Income Indices

S&P Dow Jones Indices

A trend that has been catching attention is purchases of U.S. municipal bonds by foreign investors.  A terrific summary was recently published by VanEck’s Michael Cohick and that can be found by clicking here.

As that research points out, the Federal Reserve data on foreign investor holdings has jumped to end 2016 at $106 billion.  That data can be found on page 125 of the Federal Reserve Statistical Release March 9th 2017.

Some factors that could be making U.S. municipal bonds attractive to foreign investors include:

  • A strong U.S. dollar or perspectives of a strong for longer U.S. dollar.
  • U.S. municipal bonds, whether tax-free or taxable, offer incremental yield relative to the negative or near zero yield environments seen in the Eurozone and Japan.
  • The relatively high quality of investment grade municipal bonds to other asset classes such as U.S. corporate bonds and in some cases sovereign bonds.
  • The low historical default rate of investment grade municipal bonds.
  • Shorter duration than U.S. investment grade corporate bonds.  For example, investment grade municipal bonds tracked in the S&P National AMT-Free Municipal Bond Index have more than a two year shorter duration than those tracked in the S&P 500/MarketAxess Investment Grade Corporate Bond Index. Note: both indices designed to reflect more liquid segments of the markets.
  • Relatively lower volatility of U.S. municipal bonds as compared to U.S. corporate bonds.
  • Due to these factors, U.S. municipal bonds can also be a diversifying asset class.

Liquidity: Due to the large number of U.S. municipal bond issuers and the sheer number of municipal bonds outstanding the depth of liquidity for U.S. municipal bonds has been a factor impacting the market for decades. The lower depth of liquidity for U.S. municipal bonds helps keep yields higher as a liquidity “premium” is demanded by the market in return for this risk. The advent and growth of diversified municipal bond Exchange Traded Funds (ETF’s) could be helping to provide access to and liquidity for municipal bonds. The Federal Reserve Statistical Release shows assets in municipal bond ETF’s have grown from $15.1 billion at year end 2014 to $24.7 billion at year end 2016.

Table:  Select bond indices, their yields and year-to-date returns:

Yield represented is Yield to Worst (YTW). Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices, LLC. Data as of March 24, 2017. Table is provided for illustrative purposes. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

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