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Tag Archives: CAPEX

Jun 6, 2019

JPX/S&P CAPEX & Human Capital Index: Linking CAPEX and Human Capital to Investment Opportunity

Human capital, physical capital, and technology have been widely recognized as a fundamental source of economic growth.[1] Dating back to the 1960s and early 1970s, when we saw a rapid increase in educated workers, facilities, and technological catch-up, Japan’s “economic miracle” emerged along with impressive GDP and per capita output growth.[2] Nowadays, these factors are…


Jan 12, 2016

Where Can Smart Beta Take You? Our FA Forum Is Coming to an Internet Near You

I am excited about our Miami Financial Advisor Forum, “Where Can Smart Beta Take You?”  This educational event will occur at the Epic Hotel in Miami on Feb. 24, 2016.  For the first time, we will livestream this financial advisor forum.  We hope that by broadening access to this event, more of you will find…


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